• Welcome, I am Oriol Ferres, studing Primary Education from the group 71 and this is my website about the climatic change and coding

    Here you can find a project based on an index.html and a json file mixing it with my Looking at the world project.

    How does it works?

    First of all you need to clik on "CONTAMINATION MAP" on the top of the page, then you will find another website.

    Then, It's as simple as searching a country in the navegation bar and you will find the weather and pollution data in real time!

    For every context you will find different animations, for example when the humidity is 100% the animation is raining or when there are high pollution levels, the factory emits more smoking gases, also a wind speed and direction draw and more. Come on, check it!

    *Due to an informatic problem, the pollution and clouds units are not visible, pollution is measured in mg/m3 and clouds in percentage.

    Based on p5.js